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Give Your Furnace a Checkup

When was the last time you gave your home’s furnace a checkup? If it’s been more than a year, you need to check your heating system to ensure it’s still operating the way it should.

Some of the things you should check on your furnace are:

  • Thermostat—Make sure the thermostat for your heater is working properly.
  • Filters—Many homeowners forget to change the filters in their furnace on a regular basis. Dirty filters block air from getting through and cause poor indoor air quality.
  • Air flow—Diminished air flow could be a sign of any number of problems. If your furnace isn’t pumping out air the way it should, you need to have a Denver furnace repair company come and look at your system as soon as possible.
  • Heat exchanger—Make sure your heat exchanger doesn’t have any cracks as that could cause carbon monoxide to leak into your living area.

These are just some of the things to check on your furnace yearly. For a comprehensive furnace checkup, you should consider hiring a Denver furnace repair company to performance HVAC maintenance in your home.

For all your Denver furnace repair and maintenance needs, turn to Sanders and Johnson. We’ve been serving the Denver area since 1977, providing reliable, honest service at great prices. Find out more by visiting today.

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