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Leave Your AC On This Summer To Avoid A Mold Problem

Mold problems? When you’re not home, you may shut  off your air conditioner to save money.  Especially if you’re going to be away from home on vacation for a few days or weeks.  After all, why pay for air conditioning if you aren’t inside to enjoy it?  Well, did you know that a closed, hot home with the air conditioning turned off provides the perfect breeding ground for mold to grow?

Leave Your AC On This Summer To Avoid A Mold Problems

It is true that during the hot summer days at home with the AC shut off you have high humidity levels.  So, if you have all the doors and windows are closed throughout the day and you are not running fans the air isn’t circulating.  This creates a hot mess in your house.  When humidity levels are high that is when mold thrives. When there’s no ventilation, the mold settles and spreads.  Before you know it you may have a serious mold problem on your hands.

That’s why it’s a good idea to use a programmable thermostat to keep your home within a reasonable temperature range when you’re gone. This will keep humidity levels down and go a long way to preventing mold growth.

For all your Denver air conditioning maintenance and repair needs, trust the experienced team at Sanders & Johnson.

Call or contact Sanders and Johnson today

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