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Why You Need to Check Your Furnace Before Winter Arrives

Right now, you might not be giving much thought to your furnace. It’s warm outside, so heating your house isn’t a priority. However, that doesn’t mean you should ignore your furnace. The cold weather is never far away here in Colorado, and it’s important that you get your furnace checked before you have to turn it on.


For starters, it can help you save on your energy bills. An annual furnace inspection will ensure that your system is still working the way it should. It will verify that all parts are functioning properly so that the furnace doesn’t have to work harder to keep your home nice and warm. All of this adds up to lower energy bills.

But checking your furnace is about more than just saving you money…it could also be about saving your family’s health. Improper venting and an inefficient furnace could produce deadly amounts of carbon monoxide, which can cause flu-like symptoms, disorientation, and even death.

Most times a good technician can find weak parts and suggest replacement before they break. This could save you a breakdown on a subzero night or a holiday.

When’s the last time you had your furnace checked? Let the experts at Sanders & Johnson perform a thorough check of your furnace to make sure it’s ready for the upcoming cold months. Learn more at

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