Replacing your old HVAC Unit?
In this industry an average HVAC system will about lasts 10-15 years. So when you are thinking of replacing the HVAC system with a new one, even though you loved your old system, don’t let the sales person talk you into replacing it with the same or “similar” system.
Just like cars your GMC truck in 2009 is NOT the GMC truck of 2020. It’s the same with your air conditioner and heating units. The industry and invocation has come a long way in 10 years! Ask for the updates. Remember this is a major part of your home and comfort. Our experienced and trained technicians will recommend several options that will benefit your homes efficiency and update your home.
IF you find that the sales person you are working with is trying to give you “good deal” and offering a system older than a few years, chances are they are trying to off load old inventory.
Customize the HVAC for your home, and use the most current, energy efficient units on the market. Choosing the proper size designed to handle your home. Have you built on? Moved walls? Or Added additional rooms in your house? All these factors play directly into the efficiency of your unit.
Like all technology, HVAC is ever changing. We now offer new and exciting technologies that decrease your utility costs, increase efficiency, remote comfort from phone apps, security, and so much more. Cutting edge technologies, trained professional technicians and your hometown HVAC like Sanders and Johnson can make all the difference in your health and happiness in your home. Call us today for a quote and update that old unit to help simplify and maybe decrease your cost.
Sanders and Johnson is a factory authorized dealer for Bryant Heating and Cooling Systems.