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4 Ways to Increase the Humidity in Your Home

dry desertIt’s that time of year again, and your house is as dry as the Sahara Desert.  We have the solution to increase the humidty in your home. The dry air can be miserable for you and those around you. Left untreated it can lead to dry cracked skin that bleeds.

Follow these 4 easy steps to keep increase the humidity in your home to be comfy all winter long.

  1. Set up a humidifier-  Sanders and Johnson has humidifiers that will help to alleviate some of the dryness around your home.  We have small to large humidifier’s that will increase the humidity in our home. Humidifier’s will jet water vapor up into the air helping to restore your room back to a comfortable level.
  2. Put out some water- As you know, water likes to travel to dryer places. Because of this you can actually just place cups, or bowls of water throughout the house. Although it probably won’t turn your home into a sauna or steam room every little bit helps
  3. drying clothesforget the dryer- How often does it seem like you’re having to dry clothes. Next time instead of throwing them in the dryer try hanging them up in the house. Not only will you be spending less money running the dryer, you can help put some of the lost moister back into the air.
  4. Bring in the steam- Try drinking some more tea in the winter time, or at least try making some more tea in the winter time. The boiling water on your stove top creates steam putting those precious water molecules back into that stale dry air.

If you follow these 4 easy steps to generate your own humidity, you can help your skin, allergies and overall comfort in your home.

If this doesn’t work though you may want to consider installing a whole home humidifier, with a whole home humidifier you’ll never have to worry about that stuffy dry air again.

Contact us today to find out more about our line of humidifiers for your home and start living comfortably this season!

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